Alireza Noori

Alireza Noori

Around 1,221,792,329 seconds old

I love programming, football, music and movies. Mostly a full stack web developer, Real Madrid and RHCP fan among other things.

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ASuite Cloud Platform

Author: Alireza Noori

Web asp c# html css jquery devexpress devextreme

ASuite Cloud Platform is web-based complementary software for Mesonic ERP. It contains several modules:

  • ATime: Users can fill their timesheet and set the assigned tasks and duration for each of them. Managers can assign tasks, see the reports, and more.
  • ALog: A logistics system to manage orders, their shipping, etc.
  • AUsers: Add and disable users, assign permissions to each module or each form.
  • AReport: Generate an infinite number of reports for any data storage with any condition and criteria.
  • ABoard: Generate dashboards with many reporting tools such as charts, tables, and from any number of different data sources.

Technologies used:

  • Implemented in Asp.Net Core 5
  • Razor Pages
  • SignalR for notification system
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • jQuery
  • DevExtreme for Asp.Net Core
  • Asp.Net Web API