Alireza Noori

Alireza Noori

Around 1,211,778,129 seconds old

I love programming, football, music and movies. Mostly a full stack web developer, Real Madrid and RHCP fan among other things.

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Dark Windows 10

Author: Alireza Noori

windows dark theme

As you may know, I'm a big fan of dark themes and the working environment. They're more convenient and put less strain on the eyes.

Over the years, I have posted several solutions that usually took advantage of more advanced methods such as registry keys and visual styles. Windows 10 has come a long way. The settings offer dark theme support for new controls. The older Win32 controls for the desktop environment, however, need to be still manipulated, although, it's easier.

I have prepared a Windows theme file for you. Just download, extract the zip file and apply. Then you can customize it, select a different background, colors, etc. Be sure to save the result as a new theme for the future.

Download it here.